1·That would require a dramatic fall in its saving rate, which amounted to over half of GDP in 2008.
2·Food inflation far in excess of wage growth translates to a dramatic fall in their standard of living.
3·"I in no way anticipated the dramatic fall in energy prices that occurred in the last half of the year," he said.
4·EURUSD's dramatic fall throughout the Asian session has taken out major supports at 1.4480, touching a low of 1.4369.
5·The recent dramatic fall in the value of the yen is very damaging, not just to Asia but to the economy around the world.
日 圆近期急剧下挫,不但对亚洲的损害很大,对整个世界的经济亦然。
6·The climate may have changed due to a dramatic fall in atmospheric methane when these animals, or "megafauna", disappeared.
7·The dramatic fall of Dick reveals the nature of the American Dream: a futile journey that eventually leads to self-destruction.
8·Pessotto has received massive support from the footballing world and the general public since his dramatic fall from a second floor window.
9·The move has left anyone who lives in the eurozone and relying on UK-based pensions or savings, coming to terms with a dramatic fall in their income.
10·Some years ago we took patients with severe hyperglycemia and just took away food for a few days and got an equally dramatic fall in plasma glucose.